Thursday, September 26, 2013
11:35 PM

Grow Pair Victim Business Sanity

Grow a Pair: How to Stop Being a Victim and Take Back Your Life, Your Business, and Your Sanity (Hardcover) 0) { document.getElementById(nsPrefix + "clipDiv").style.height=h+"px"; document.getElementById(nsPrefix + "videoPlaceholder").style.height=h+"px"; } else { document.getElementById(nsPrefix + "clipDiv").style.height=""; document.getElementById(nsPrefix + "videoPlaceholder").style.height=""; } document.getElementById(nsPrefix + "flashcontent").style.height="100%"; } function fp_rewriteDiv(nsPrefix,divName,html) { document.getElementById(nsPrefix + divName).innerHTML=html; } function embeddingPopup(nsPrefix) { alert("placeholder function for embedding code"); } --> // To view this video download Flash Player (version 9.0.115 or higher)'); } } catch(err) { fp_resizePlayerSpace('cv_mo1G4J909CS7O2X', 0, 0); } return false; } function _cv_mo1G4J909CS7O2XloadSwf(movieID, playerVersion) { var swfLocation = ""; var swfWidth = "320"; var swfHeight = "100%"; var flashVersion = "9.0.115"; var bgColor = "#FFFFFF"; var swfParams = {}; var flashParams = {}; var embedAttributes = {}; swfParams.amazonPort = "80"; swfParams.allowFullScreen = "true"; swfParams.telemetrySubPageType = "VideoReview"; swfParams.nsPrefix = "cv_mo1G4J909CS7O2X"; swfParams.locale = "en_US"; swfParams.logUrl = "gp/mpd/l"; swfParams.canResize = "1"; swfParams.autoPlay = "1"; swfParams.sessionId = "178-3322851-8082460"; swfParams.marketplaceID = "ATVPDKIKX0DER"; swfParams.salign = "LT"; swfParams.preset = "detail"; swfParams.mediaObjectId = "m3GQ995LAU6989"; swfParams.autoPlayTimer = ""; swfParams.mediaObjectIDList = "m3GQ995LAU6989"; swfParams.playIsUserGenerated = "1"; swfParams.enableShare = "0"; swfParams.permUrl = "gp/mpd/permalink"; swfParams.telemetryPageTypeID = "R19GPX0JE4PG5Q"; swfParams.xmlUrl = ""; swfParams.amazonServer = ""; swfParams.scale = "noscale"; flashParams.allowFullScreen = "true"; flashParams.salign = "LT"; flashParams.bgcolor = "#FFFFFF"; flashParams.allowScriptAccess = "always"; flashParams.quality = "high"; flashParams.wmode = "transparent"; embedAttributes.title = "Flash Player"; if (movieID){ if (playerVersion == '3'){ swfLocation = ""; swfParams.mediaObjectIDList = movieID; } else { swfLocation = ""; } swfParams.xmlUrl = "" + movieID + "/178-3322851-8082460"; flashParams.wmode = "transparent"; swfParams.autoPlay = "1"; } if (document.getElementById('cv_mo1G4J909CS7O2Xduration')) { document.getElementById('cv_mo1G4J909CS7O2Xduration').style.display='none'; } cv_mo1G4J909CS7O2XloadSwf_Core(swfLocation, swfWidth, swfHeight, flashVersion, bgColor, swfParams, flashParams, embedAttributes); return false; } function cv_mo1G4J909CS7O2XloadSwf(movieID, playerVersion) { return _cv_mo1G4J909CS7O2XloadSwf(movieID, playerVersion); } // ]]> var cv_mo1G4J909CS7O2XRollOverImg = new Image(); cv_mo1G4J909CS7O2XRollOverImg.src = ",BottomLeft,0,43_OU01_PIcustomer-video-play-active,BottomLeft,130,-12_CR0,0,0,0_.png"; var cv_mo1G4J909CS7O2Xpreplay = document.getElementById('cv_mo1G4J909CS7O2XpreplayImageId'); if (cv_mo1G4J909CS7O2Xpreplay) { cv_mo1G4J909CS7O2Xpreplay.onmouseover = function() { cv_mo1G4J909CS7O2Xpreplay.src = ",BottomLeft,0,43_OU01_PIcustomer-video-play-active,BottomLeft,130,-12_CR0,0,0,0_.png"; } cv_mo1G4J909CS7O2Xpreplay.onmouseout = function() { cv_mo1G4J909CS7O2Xpreplay.src = ",BottomLeft,0,43_OU01_PIcustomer-video-play,BottomLeft,130,-12_CR0,0,0,0_.png"; } var node = cv_mo1G4J909CS7O2Xpreplay.parentNode; var cv_mo1G4J909CS7O2XcurrentClick = node.onclick; node.onclick = function () { var head = document.getElementsByTagName("head"); if (head[0]) { var logTag = document.createElement('script'); logTag.type = "text/javascript"; logTag.src = "/gp/customer-media/du/log.html/ref=cm_ciu_vr_mo1G4J909CS7O2X?ie=UTF8&p=CustomerImage&s=CustomerVideoPlay"; head[0].appendChild(logTag); } if (cv_mo1G4J909CS7O2XcurrentClick) { return cv_mo1G4J909CS7O2XcurrentClick(); } } } Length:: 1:27 Mins

As a professional speaker, author and human being, I have my heroes in the industry. Larry is one of them. His latest book shows how much work we still have to do.

Steve Gamlin
Provider of Motivational Firewood(tm)

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