Thursday, September 19, 2013
4:12 PM

History Ancient Egypt Farmers Pyramid

A History of Ancient Egypt: From the First Farmers to the Great Pyramid (Hardcover) Generally a good read, but not the revelation its press is making it out to be. Romer is billed as "one of the top Egyptologists in the world" although it's not clear how one qualifies for such an accolade without the usual academic bona fides. He is certainly known for being one of the top BBC Television presenters on Egypt in the world, and like the books of his compatriot Michael Wood, much of the prose reads like it's being spoken into a microphone while the author clambers over chunks of limestone.

Be ready for a surprisingly aggressive tone, mostly directed at other approaches on writing about ancient Egypt. Prepare also to read a lot about the benchmark currency of archaeology - pieces of pots and other bric-a-brac that comprise most of what anyone can know about this hoary age of the Nile. While some devotees of anything Kemet will love this book, one can't help but feel that the subject - Egypt before it got interesting - wasn't really worth all the effort. It picks up a bit when the pyramids finally start getting built. The color photo section is something of a letdown, although given the obscurity of both the time and material dealt with in this volume, we can't expect grandeur in the photos. I'd wait for the paperback before adding it to your library.

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