Tuesday, September 24, 2013
12:46 AM

Killing Jesus Bill OReilly

Killing Jesus (Hardcover) Before you read Killing Jesus, I suggest you first read Bible Myths and Their Parallels in Other Religions by T. W. Doane. It's free if you have a Kindle. Bearing in mind that the story of the Hindu savior Krishna is much older than the story of Jesus, the author lists 46 similarities between the two. Both were born of virgins. The birth of both was announced in the heavens by a star. Krishna was adored by cowherds, Jesus by shepherds. Both were born when their foster fathers had come to the city to pay their taxes. The rulers of the countries in which Christ and Krishna were born sought to destroy them. Both men were crucified, rose from the dead and after paying a visit to hell ascended into heaven. The point is that Krishna did it first.

Doane found so many similarities between Buddha and Jesus that he concluded, "Nothing now remains for the honest man to do but acknowledge the truth, which is, that the history of Jesus of Nazareth as related in the books of the New Testament, is simply a copy of that of Buddha with a mixture of mythology from other nations." For example, Buddha was born of the Virgin Maya and Jesus was born of the Virgin Mary.

Some people quote Josephus and Tacitus as proof that Christ was mentioned in a historical context outside of The New Testament; however, the words attributed to Josephus attest to the divinity of Christ, a blasphemy a Jewish historian like Josephus would never have committed. Josephus does mention that James was the brother of Jesus, "the so-called Christ." That particular passage appears to be authentic and if so, confirms that Jesus, at least, existed; however, if Jesus did exist, the story of his life is heavily steeped in the mythology of religions much older than Christianity. As Doane says, "We must therefore conclude that, since the history of Buddha and Buddhism is much older than that of Jesus and Christianity, the Christians are incontestably either sectarians or plagiarists of the religion of the Buddha." (p. 304, Bible Myths)

The great scholar Gibbon thought Tacitus knew so little about Christians that he confused them with the Jews and that "the hatred universally felt for the latter fell upon the former." (Doane, p.568) Doane also explains how easy it would have been for a Christian writer to insert or alter a passage in Tacitus's Annals as the work wasn't known to the world until the 15th century.

Bill writes about the slaughter of the innocents as though it were a historical fact. If it were a fact, how could such a heinous crime have been overlooked by an astute historian like Josephus? Yet, Josephus doesn't mention it. Nor does Bill mention that an evil king tried to have the Hindu savior Krishna killed several years prior to 5 B.C.

Bill states that according to Jewish prophecy, the Messiah's mother must be a virgin, failing to note that Krishna and Buddha were also born of virgins long before 5 B.C. I suspect Bill is unfamiliar with these facts. If not, why is he silent on the abundance of similarities between these religious icons?

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