Sunday, September 15, 2013
9:33 AM

Brilliant Blunders Einstein Scientists Understanding

Brilliant Blunders: From Darwin to Einstein - Colossal Mistakes by Great Scientists That Changed Our Understanding of Life and the Universe (Kindle Edition) Mario Livio provides an account of blunders committed by five of the greatest scientists to have ever lived - Darwin, Kelvin, Pauling, Hoyle and Einstein. In explaining the blunders, Livio provides a concise, clear and highly readable explanation of their theories and for this alone, this book is highly recommendable.

Where perhaps the book falls short (and this is a matter of personal taste) is that Livio not only presents the blunders but attempts to explain why they were made and in this, goes into the role of an historical psychologist. Seeing that psychoanalyzing human beings right in front of you is a highly imprecise endeavor, looking back 60 or 400 years takes this truly into the fields of fancy.

For whatever reasons the blunders were made, Livio makes it very clear that the blunders of giants are far more worthwhile than the timid truths of mere mortals. By the end of the book you find yourself endorsing this conclusion wholeheartedly. Great read.

Click Here For More Information About Brilliant Blunders Einstein Scientists Understanding


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