Monday, September 16, 2013
7:41 PM

Sony HDR CX430V Definition Handycam Camcorder

Sony HDR-PJ430V High Definition Handycam Camcorder with 3.0-Inch LCD (Black) (Electronics) Customer review from the Amazon Vine Program (What's this?) I have a feeling I am going to be using this far more than I expected. It's small and light and tucks nicely in a bag. I LOVE that it uses a "normal" sdhc card (I can actually share cards between this and my DSLR, which is a huge bonus), AND it also has a small amount of built in memory, which means that you can play with it right out of the box.

Some really cool features:
Autofocusing capabilities are really good. Was surprised actually.
Love that there are connections available to connect directly to my computer or TV. (Two different cords, obviously).
Love the build in connection cord in the handle (once I found it!)
Love the projector! Cool feature. Fan for sleepovers and camps, etc.
Touch screen is responsive and easy to use (I hate fussy touch screens, and this one works well with my little fingers.)
It's quiet (hate noisy zooms)
Built in speakers sound better than expected.
Some built in memory, which is a plus.
Charge lasts well (I've used this intermittently, not sure how many hours total, but I've yet to need to recharge it.
It's idiot-friendly (I've never used a video camera before.)
The highlights feature produces fun quicky demos for friends.

Some things that could be better:
I love the projector feature, but I do wish it were brighter.
I wish it came with a fitted case.
Initial charge (or charge from dead battery) takes overnight.
The connector hidden in the handle can be hard to locate.

How's the picture? Pretty good. Looks well on my 42" tv, which is the largest image I've played. Supposedly you can capture still images with this, but I haven't (and therefore havent printed any of those for comment.) Autofoccus is great.

Click Here For More Information About Sony HDR CX430V Definition Handycam Camcorder


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