Tuesday, October 8, 2013
2:40 PM

Rayman Legends Xbox 360

Rayman Legends (Video Game) Customer review from the Amazon Vine Program (What's this?) Rayman Legends is a great game. It may look simple at the outset with cartoonish graphics, but it's a whole lotta fun that's easy to pick up and quick to be addicting as trying to unlock every little thing takes multiple play throughs. Rayman Legends has the perfect mix of challenges and accomplishments along with total gameplay that there really is little to say negative about it. The graphics look great and the ease at which one is able to pick up gameplay makes it uber accessible to just about any age of player. There are also a variety of characters to play as (they all pretty much do the same thing, but that's beside the point) and, even without having access to the challanges (I don't play with online access - kind of a purist that way), there is a lot to do, so it's not one of those beat it in a day or two type of things. Honestly, you can lose days on this thing if you're not careful.

I sat down with this game thinking I'd play a half hour and then get on with my day, but then I couldn't stop playing since I kept unlocking levels, characters, and other things. Next thing I knew it was supper time. The unlockable content includes characters, creatures that give you Lems, and throwback levels that I was unfamiliar with, this being my first entry into the series. Man I wish I had been playing this for ages. Rayman Legends is one of those games that is just about worth the initial price, but all the better if you can get it cheap. Also this is the type of platformer that doesn't alienate your friends who aren't gamers. They'll definitely want to play with you since multi-player is an option. You won't regret picking this one up, that's for sure. Great game, plain and simple.

Click Here For More Information About Rayman Legends Xbox 360


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