Monday, October 28, 2013
6:27 PM

Creations by You MCB Comic

My Comic Book Kit (Toy) I bought this item for my nephew's birthday. He just turned 8 and my brother asked he not get anything related to video games/movies/television. My girlfriend had already bought IlluStory A+ Book Kit from the same company for a friend's daughter, she suggested this item. The reviews on it looked good so I ordered one and gave it as our gift. I don't think my nephew understood at first what he was given, but I explained to him that if he could write a story and put pictures to it, that he could send it either in the mail or over the internet to the "comic book factory" and he would get back his work as a full blown comic. After he understood that, he began to work with his older brother on his story later that night.

My brother told me they used the online tool instead of drawing it themselves (it took about three days) and submitted it at the web site. After waiting a few weeks they got the comic in the mail and his sons now want to do a sequel! I am happy about the purchase as I grew up on comics in the 80's (GI Joe, Spiderman, X-Men, etc) and that my nephew(s) got to work on something together that was creative. My brother said the quality of paper, etc were all good and that it did indeed look like a regular comic you would see at a comic shop. He said both of his sons have taken it to school to show their friends their work. He did notice the form included in the package provided additional copies for 20 bucks which he did not use this time but the box also said the company provides archival services should you want more printed. They used the allotted 16 pages and the design tool on the web site was apparently simple/intuitive and easy for them to navigate (the other child is 10). The back of the comic also can have a picture of the child as an "About the author" section which my brother said was populated with a goofy image of the two of them. Very nice product for the price and I would recommend. I just hope I am included somehow in their sequel.

Click Here For More Information About Creations by You MCB Comic


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