Rush Revere and the Brave Pilgrims: Time-Travel Adventures with Exceptional Americans (Kindle Edition) I realize some people find Rush caustic, but in my opinion, he is the most articulate torch-bearer of conservative ideals -- namely, personal freedom and responsibility. This book is a much-needed addition to the conservative cause because it does three things exceptionally well: It entertains, it informs, and it manages to do so without grinding a political ax (honestly, I was surprised by this). This book is essentially a pop-history book aimed at 10-13 year-olds, but it will work well for younger kids and high-schoolers. And yes, adults will likely be tremendously entertained as well.
In some ways, the book feels sort of like the "Magic School Bus" series -- Rush Revere, a middle school teacher, travels back in time to witness the Pilgrims. The schtick works, however unappealing it originally sounded to me, and the book does one very important thing (I cannot make this point clearly enough): it teaches the values of the Pilgrims and draws the connecting line between those values and modern conservatism. It does not "preach" modern conservatism into the Pilgrim narrative. I was quite concerned that Rush (as much as I love him) would do more of the latter than the former, and found this a pleasant surprise.
I cannot recommend this book highly enough. Five stars and two thumbs up!
2012 Election: The 106 BEST Reasons NOT to Vote for Obama -- This little book is probably my best Kindle buy ever (politics-wise). Tons of research, active internet links, and still-relevant info (despite having been written before the last election). I cracked it open yesterday just to take a look at the Obamacare section, and it reads like prophecy. Written for adults, but accessible to younger folks.
Four Centuries of American Education -- David Barton (a historian made `famous' by Glenn Beck) does an excellent job of outlining the progressive decline into progressivism in our school system. Honestly, virtually any Barton book would be a great read for adults and any high schooler interested in learning "real" history not taught in public institutions.
48 Liberal Lies About American History: (That You Probably Learned in School) -- Schweikart, a history professor, lays bare many of the lies you (and almost certainly your kids) learned in school. More aimed at adults, but I'd suggest parents arm themselves and impart the wisdom contained in the book to their kids.
Click Here For More Information About Rush Revere Brave Pilgrims Time Travel
Tuesday, October 29, 2013
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