Friday, October 11, 2013
4:05 PM

Z Zachariah Robert C OBrien

Z for Zachariah (Paperback) I just picked this book up at the library last week. It is a very easy read, and you can definitely get sucked into the story. The reason I picked this up was because my friend had told me it was going to be required reading for middle school aged children in the area and she said it contained questionable material. As I read through the book I think my friend's concern is a bit over the top. Yes, this is an apocalyptic story. There are only two know people left after nuclear bombs have ravaged the US. One is a young girl, one is a crazy old scientist. There is attempted rape, but in all honesty it is not as suggestive as my friend made it out to be. I can understand why this is required reading for middle schoolers. It is really about the burdens of growing up, being alone, having struggles with authority figures, etc. On a complete side note, I love that the author's family completed the novel after his death.

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