Thursday, October 10, 2013
11:30 PM

Selected Stories Alice Munro

Selected Stories (Paperback) Having regrettably inherited the attention span of the current generation I've been taken up by short stories lately. I feel a bit less ashamed of choosing such brevity in story telling over longer novels by recalling that Faulkner rated novelists as failed short story writers and short story writers as failed poets. So, here I am...reading a lot of failed poets and loving it. One of the gems of this class of writers (at least to me, who's rather new to the genre) is Alice Munro. From the first story I read, "Miles City, Montana," I knew I was experiencing something special and rare - something only confirmed as I moved on to "Royal Beatings." There will always be those we insist that "The Greats" are a settled class - that Chekhov, Joyce, Faulkner etc. are in a class not to be opened to new members. Well, for what it's worth, I think Munro's highs are no less grand than those of "The Greats" - she simply lacks the luxury of nostalgia. So, by all means pick up a copy of her "Selected Stories" - you'll soon find yourself in awe.

Click Here For More Information About Selected Stories Alice Munro


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