Wednesday, October 30, 2013
5:37 AM

Maisto Tech Light Runners Vehicle

Maisto Tech Light Runners RC Vehicle (Toy) Customer review from the Amazon Vine Program (What's this?) 0) { document.getElementById(nsPrefix + "clipDiv").style.height=h+"px"; document.getElementById(nsPrefix + "videoPlaceholder").style.height=h+"px"; } else { document.getElementById(nsPrefix + "clipDiv").style.height=""; document.getElementById(nsPrefix + "videoPlaceholder").style.height=""; } document.getElementById(nsPrefix + "flashcontent").style.height="100%"; } function fp_rewriteDiv(nsPrefix,divName,html) { document.getElementById(nsPrefix + divName).innerHTML=html; } function embeddingPopup(nsPrefix) { alert("placeholder function for embedding code"); } --> // To view this video download Flash Player (version 9.0.115 or higher)'); } } catch(err) { fp_resizePlayerSpace('cv_mo3E642EP0PHAJP', 0, 0); } return false; } function _cv_mo3E642EP0PHAJPloadSwf(movieID, playerVersion) { var swfLocation = ""; var swfWidth = "320"; var swfHeight = "100%"; var flashVersion = "9.0.115"; var bgColor = "#FFFFFF"; var swfParams = {}; var flashParams = {}; var embedAttributes = {}; swfParams.amazonPort = "80"; swfParams.allowFullScreen = "true"; swfParams.telemetrySubPageType = "VideoReview"; swfParams.nsPrefix = "cv_mo3E642EP0PHAJP"; swfParams.locale = "en_US"; swfParams.logUrl = "gp/mpd/l"; swfParams.canResize = "1"; swfParams.autoPlay = "1"; swfParams.sessionId = "178-3322851-8082460"; swfParams.marketplaceID = "ATVPDKIKX0DER"; swfParams.salign = "LT"; swfParams.preset = "detail"; swfParams.mediaObjectId = "m8U8D6KHA3MTB"; swfParams.autoPlayTimer = ""; swfParams.mediaObjectIDList = "m8U8D6KHA3MTB"; swfParams.playIsUserGenerated = "1"; swfParams.enableShare = "0"; swfParams.permUrl = "gp/mpd/permalink"; swfParams.telemetryPageTypeID = "RJ2BR9T7TIIL6"; swfParams.xmlUrl = ""; swfParams.amazonServer = ""; swfParams.scale = "noscale"; flashParams.allowFullScreen = "true"; flashParams.salign = "LT"; flashParams.bgcolor = "#FFFFFF"; flashParams.allowScriptAccess = "always"; flashParams.quality = "high"; flashParams.wmode = "transparent"; embedAttributes.title = "Flash Player"; if (movieID){ if (playerVersion == '3'){ swfLocation = ""; swfParams.mediaObjectIDList = movieID; } else { swfLocation = ""; } swfParams.xmlUrl = "" + movieID + "/178-3322851-8082460"; flashParams.wmode = "transparent"; swfParams.autoPlay = "1"; } if (document.getElementById('cv_mo3E642EP0PHAJPduration')) { document.getElementById('cv_mo3E642EP0PHAJPduration').style.display='none'; } cv_mo3E642EP0PHAJPloadSwf_Core(swfLocation, swfWidth, swfHeight, flashVersion, bgColor, swfParams, flashParams, embedAttributes); return false; } function cv_mo3E642EP0PHAJPloadSwf(movieID, playerVersion) { return _cv_mo3E642EP0PHAJPloadSwf(movieID, playerVersion); } // ]]> var cv_mo3E642EP0PHAJPRollOverImg = new Image(); cv_mo3E642EP0PHAJPRollOverImg.src = ",BottomLeft,0,43_OU01_PIcustomer-video-play-active,BottomLeft,130,-12_CR0,0,0,0_.png"; var cv_mo3E642EP0PHAJPpreplay = document.getElementById('cv_mo3E642EP0PHAJPpreplayImageId'); if (cv_mo3E642EP0PHAJPpreplay) { cv_mo3E642EP0PHAJPpreplay.onmouseover = function() { cv_mo3E642EP0PHAJPpreplay.src = ",BottomLeft,0,43_OU01_PIcustomer-video-play-active,BottomLeft,130,-12_CR0,0,0,0_.png"; } cv_mo3E642EP0PHAJPpreplay.onmouseout = function() { cv_mo3E642EP0PHAJPpreplay.src = ",BottomLeft,0,43_OU01_PIcustomer-video-play,BottomLeft,130,-12_CR0,0,0,0_.png"; } var node = cv_mo3E642EP0PHAJPpreplay.parentNode; var cv_mo3E642EP0PHAJPcurrentClick = node.onclick; node.onclick = function () { var head = document.getElementsByTagName("head"); if (head[0]) { var logTag = document.createElement('script'); logTag.type = "text/javascript"; logTag.src = "/gp/customer-media/du/log.html/ref=cm_ciu_vr_mo3E642EP0PHAJP?ie=UTF8&p=CustomerImage&s=CustomerVideoPlay"; head[0].appendChild(logTag); } if (cv_mo3E642EP0PHAJPcurrentClick) { return cv_mo3E642EP0PHAJPcurrentClick(); } } } Length:: 1:14 Mins

The video shows my nephew playing with the car, and having fun with it. I will say, right off the bat, that he LOVED it. The controls were simple enough to use, that he figured it out right away (although, he had them backwards, but that seemed to work best for him in his mind), and I kid you not, he played with the thing for hours, non-stop. Your entertainment mileage may vary with your kids, though.

From the adult/parent perspective, the Maisto Tech Light Runners RC car is just a standard RC car. Aside from the lights (which are nice enough, and add some fun play elements for "cave" and "night" play driving games for the kids) it is just a standard RC car. I am not sure the lights make the car special enough to warrant a purchase over a cheaper, non-lighted car. The lights are LED though, so they have a minimal power-drain on the car.

I can tell you that the alkaline batteries (4 AA) the car ships with are rubbish and should be replaced with either fresh alkaline ones, or lithium ones. I put lithium ones in, and the car performed MUCH better afterwards (like I said, hours, non-stop). Weirdly, the car comes with batteries included and installed, but the controller doesn't. You will need to fish out 2 AAA batteries to put into the controller, before you can play with it. Also note, as is standard in most toys these days, the battery compartment requires a screwdriver to open on both the car and the controller. You will need a fairly small one for the controller.

Overall, it is a decent car, but it really isn't anything special. Nothing overly good or bad about it. So, 3 stars is the best I can give it.

3 stars.

Click Here For More Information About Maisto Tech Light Runners Vehicle


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